What kind of witch do you want to invite into your home for the Holidays? We have options... The Childless Cat Lady Witch? She's TS fan... so be ready to sing in the kitchen... or Black Cat Witch? She's cat hair free we swear. or... a Necromancer Witch ( don't worry they're super chill), The Astrologer Witch ( but she'll ask you about your chart non stop) or the Moon Magic Witch ( be ready for lots of missing jars).
All our witch ornaments are hand made so no two are exactly alike. They're made from reclaimed fabric scraps. As they have little bells on them please do not hand them to small children who could pull that off and swallow it....These witches don't eat children ( or so they tell me).
All orders over $50 ship for free within the USA. All orders usually ship within 24 hours from NYC.